Free workshop to help you scale!


Strategy-based services are your golden ticket to higher income.

Diversify your income as a female freelance creative, confidently and efficiently.

How would it feel to consistently make an extra thousand dollars in your business per month (or more!), using the skills and experience you already have (but aren't currently charging for)?

enrol now

it's time to tap into those missed opportunities.

If you keep sending in-depth proposals to clients who turn around and say they don't have the budget, keep reading. If you love your freelance creative career but you keep being asked if you offer coaching for other creatives, keep reading. If you love your current business but you've got a secret (or not so secret) side hustle that involves coaching, consultancy or other guidance, keep reading.

Implementation-based services are your bread and butter... but chances are you're leaving money on the table right now. 

Imagine if you could reach a wider variety of clients, using your current skills and experience.

sign me up

You've been in the freelance world for a while now and you'd love some more certainty and consistency when it comes to your income.

You’ve seen all the hype around passive income but maybe that feels like something out of reach for you. Way too complicated, probably not that legit, only for people with more training… Right?

You’ve lost track of how many times less experienced freelancers in your niche have asked to “pick your brain.” You have the knowledge but wouldn’t know how to start sharing it - or how to charge if you did. You end up sharing solid gold nuggets of advice in exchange for a coffee.

OR, you've been putting together strategic proposals for clients who say "cool, thanks, unfortunately we don't have the budget to hire you now."

You know you have the expertise but the thought of setting up an email list, developing a personal brand, and growing an audience all feels very overwhelming - where to start?!

Let me guess...

Diversify + Thrive Diversify + Thrive Diversify + Thrive Diversify + Thrive

Diversifying allows you to...





Reach a new sector of your target client and get paid to do the proposal. Instead of giving away your strategic proposals for free, learn how to charge clients for consultancy calls instead, when they can't afford to hire you for implementation.

Position all of your creative eggs in different baskets, able to be scaled up and down as needed. Expensive month coming up? Just market your (soon to be launched!) strategic coaching or consultancy sessions a little more.

Focus on pursuing the creative projects you love, rather than just the ones that pay the bills. When you've got multiple income streams, you can be choosier with what you say yes to.

Scale up your income and down scale your working hours. Generally speaking, strategic projects take up a lot less time, yet bill a lot more hourly, than implementation-based ones. 

And if those options sound exciting, but overwhelming (or possibly impostor syndrome is knocking at the door), it’s okay. I’ve been where you are. And the good news is there’s a way to work through this.

I want to scale my biz

...but they also help you to build authority in your industry and tap into a different sector of your audience.

You didn’t become a creative freelancer by accident. You have vision. It’s how you got to where you are in the first place. 

Now, take a minute to visualise a new income stream in your current business. 

A writer who also offers your copy clients strategy sessions to map their path forward. 
How would it feel to be the one who helps your clients feel like the way is now paved for them? 

A photographer so skilled at your craft that you help newer photographers find their feet. 
How would it feel to be responsible for someone starting the same career that’s given you so much fulfilment? 

A designer who is regularly asked for the same things again and again, so you package it for evergreen sales.
How would it feel to make countless people’s work easier, without even lifting a finger?

No matter what creative industry you’re in, the possibilities are endless. The rewards are plentiful.

And the knock-on effects are just as exciting. 

Not only do coaching and consultancy open up plenty of new doors for you as a business owner...

From implementation-only freelance creative to confident, diversified business owner in just 6 or 12 weeks.

Diversify + Thrive


Teaching begins on Monday, July 15!

I fell into the coaching world by accident, but it's the best thing I've ever done for my business.

Running two creative businesses simultaneously felt really intimidating, but doing so has allowed me more freedom in every area of my life than ever before.

Time, financial and creative freedom.

The perks?

Choosing how many new clients I take on.

Helping a wider range of clients to grow their businesses.

Hitting crazy income months like $17k USD in 30 days.

As Seen In:

How Diversify + Thrive works:

a bespoke framework mapped out

Start with the foundation module (or a 1:1 call with me if you upgrade!) to map out your personal 45 or 90 day timeline from conception through to onboarding your first clients. 

6 or 12 weeks of guided support 

Choose between the six week sprint (the first six Core modules) or the extended Comprehensive 12 week course. You'll have either five or 10 group calls alongside my guided support. 

a creative community of biz owners

I'm guessing you probably don't currently have a community of other female biz owners looking to scale alongside you. So I've created one! Ask questions and grow together, long after the course finishes. 

If you find that clients love your proposals and ideas but tell you they don't have the budget to hire you, selling consultancy calls is the perfect way to sell your ideas, if not your implementation. Then, when the client has seen success with your ideas, you'll be the first person they think of for bigger projects!

Chances are, up until now you've just been crossing those clients out on your pitch list, disappointed that yet another brand doesn't have the budget to pay market rates. 

And when you’ve been asked to coach someone less experienced in your field, you brush it off because you don’t feel fully equipped to teach it. 

Maybe you feel like you need some extra qualifications to charge for that. 

Here’s the thing: you don’t.

Your expertise is already there. You’re just not tapping into it - yet. 

Scaled income is within your reach. And the results are so worth it.

Things that scaled income have allowed me to do with ease...





Hit a $17k income month while working three days per week. And regular five-figure income months, doing a mix of travel writing (my implemention-based service) and coaching/consultancy. 

Book business class flights and expensive, spontaneous holidays to catch up with friends across the world at the drop of a hat. When I have bigger expenses, I just scale up my consultancy offers temporarily. 

Say yes to new hobbies: learning to scuba dive, taking surf lessons, weekly 1:1 Spanish lessons, enrolling in Spanish school this year, hiring a personal trainer... what's next?

Take bigger risks inside of my freelance writing business. I only say yes to the projects that I love. It means I'm enjoying 100% of my business hours rather than taking on projects because I'm dependent wholly on freelance writing income. 

Weekly check-ins with me and our community so you're always supported.

Regular check-ins

You'll also be matched up with an accountability buddy for success!

Weekly coaching from me

Bitesize lessons to watch in your own time following my signature framework.

Video modules

You'll learn to do the same thing through...

Program Details

01 Introduction

02 your ideal client

Taking a deep dive into what this new era of your business looks like. Finding the clarity to set the foundations for our 12 weeks ahead!

Maybe you know this already or perhaps it needs a little clarifying. We'll map out a persona of your ideal client so your marketing and messaging hit the right spot. 



Designing your first offer in the strategy world. So you've got something to confidently sell when someone next approaches you! We'll also cover assertive pricing. 

Stepping into a new role is scary - there's no doubt about it! This module is all about overcoming the mindset blocks that are stopping you from thriving. 



Learn and use my strategies that I used to build an audience of 40,000 in a year and a half across my platforms.

You're probably already short on time. Everything I teach takes no more than five hours per week to implement. And I'll show you how to work most efficiently!



Everything you need to know about how to set up and grow your email list. We'll talk platforms, funnels, lead magnets, welcome sequences and more.

People buy from people, not businesses. We'll lean into your strengths and personality in this module! Then, steal the strategy I used to grow a personal brand audience of 12,000 in one year.


10 scaling & next steps

The backend of your business is just as important as the visible stuff! Learn my admin and tech recommendations as well as taking payments, editing or launching your website, and more.

You've got an offer. You've got an audience. Maybe you've even got your first clients. Let's talk about what's next and where else you could take this business!  It’s time to dream big. 

Choose between the six week sprint (the first six Core modules) or the Comprehensive package of all 10!

Your tried and tested framework to success.

Everything you need from the strategy and structure through to the accountability, support, bespoke guidance and resources to successfully get started with coaching or consultancy.

Diversify + Thrive

Sign me up

module 1:

01 Introduction

Lesson 1 : The why and the what of diversifying your income
Lesson 2: Building out the blocks of your future business
Lesson 3: Creating space in your schedule 
Lesson 4: Auditing your current business set-up 

END RESULT: Achieve a clear vision and roadmap for your business year, creating space for new projects and getting motivated for the weeks ahead!

A breakdown of what you'll learn:

module 2:

02 Your Ideal Client

Lesson 5: Client needs analysis
Lesson 6: Ideal client alignment
Lesson 7: Creating your client avatar
Lesson 8: Client journey mapping

END RESULT: Identify and profile your ideal client, aligning your business values with their needs and start thinking about the journey from initial discovery through to sending across a payment link.

module 3:

03 Offers & Pricing

Lesson 9: Designing and creating your first product
Lesson 10: Pricing for success strategies
Lesson 11: Effectively selling your offer
Lesson 12: Sales page development (inc my template) 

END RESULT: Create, price and confidently sell your first product, supported by a persuasive sales page and a strong pricing strategy.

module 4:

04 Mindset & Confidence

Lesson 13 : Building self-belief and assertiveness  
Lesson 14: Overcoming limiting beliefs
Lesson 15: Developing a growth mindset
Lesson 16: Resilience planning: Preparing for low periods

END RESULT: Build self-belief and resilience, overcoming limiting beliefs and developing a growth mindset to thrive as your business grows. 

module 5:

05 Promotion & your audience

Lesson 17: Messaging with clarity and strategy
Lesson 18: Platform analysis: Identifying optimal channels
Lesson 19: Promoting your new offer(s)
Lesson 20: My 40,000 audience case study/roadmap 

END RESULT: Develop a clear messaging strategy, identify the best platforms for promotion and implement proven methods to grow an audience of your ideal clients.

module 6:

06 Working Efficiently

Lesson 21 : Balancing multiple business ventures 
Lesson 22: Optimising productivity: Tailoring to your work style
Lesson 23: Efficiency and organisational skills
Lesson 24: Time management: learning your bespoke schedule

END RESULT: Master time management and productivity techniques to balance multiple ventures and enhance your organisational skills.

module 7:

07 Behind the Scenes

Lesson 25 : Website optimisation or development 
Lesson 26: Tech and admin essentials: Streamlining your ops 
Lesson 27: Payment systems and tracking
Lesson 28: Managing business finances

END RESULT: Streamline your business operations with an optimised website, efficient administrative processes and straightforward financial management systems.

module 8:

08 Personal Branding

Lesson 29: Business identity work
Lesson 30: Personal brand development: Building your brand
Lesson 31: Strategic storytelling & engaging your audience
Lesson 32: Visual branding essentials

END RESULT: Establish your unique personal brand, utilising strategic storytelling and visual branding to engage and grow your audience.

module 9:

09 Your Email List

Lesson 33 : Email strategy fundamentals
Lesson 34: Choosing the right tools and tech
Lesson 35: Lead magnet guidance and creation 
Lesson 36: Writing your welcome sequence 

END RESULT: Set up and grow an effective email list with the right tools, lead magnets and a nurturing welcome sequence to build strong client relationships.

module 10:

10 Scaling & Next Steps

Lesson 37: Creating courses and memberships: Expanding your offers
Lesson 38: Generating passive-ish revenue
Lesson 39: Expanding your support system/outsourcing 
Lesson 40: Next steps and future planning 

END RESULT: Looking to the future! This optional module teaches you how to expand your business offerings with courses and memberships, generate passive income and plan for future growth and support.

Premium onboarding and client experience webinar

Ilaria Sambi, Online business manager and systems wizard, talks you through how to confidently and efficiently onboard your new clients, giving a premium experience so you can charge high ticket.

Bonus #2

A 45-minute masterclass by professional photographer, Josefine Lindhardt, teaching you to take professional branding photos from home. Learn all about tech, tools, angles and more.

Shoot Your Own Branding Photos webinar

Bonus #1

Extra bonuses include...

Trackers, templates, spreadsheets & more

All of the tools I use inside of my own coaching business. An income spreadsheet. A lead generation and client tracker. A personal branding template. Sales and storytelling scripts. And lots more!

Bonus #4

Hiring support doesn't have to involve a four figure investment and an employee contract. Learn how to hire someone the right way, ensuring they're a good fit and will actually save you time!

Hire Your First VA training

Bonus #3

I need this


tapping into a new sector of your audience

selling a wider range of services you love

Consistently higher income months

But you want to be here

Help me with this

not making full use of your skills/experience

giving away your proposals for free

not knowing how to make extra income in your biz

not knowing how to respond to enquiries TO ‘PICK YOUR BRAIN’

At the moment you're here


2024 YOUR 

Best business year yet.

sign me up

Just think: this time in 12 months (or less!) you could be confidently booked up with the creative projects you love and a handful of consultancy packages tipping you into the five-figure month bracket, consistently. 

I reached the cap of what I felt was possible as a freelance writer without trading more time for money. After embarrassedly turning down coaching inquiries and giving away all of my resources for free, I invested in a business coach who taught me how to launch a second business.

Nowadays, I balance travel writing with business strategy coaching for female creatives. The result? Two businesses that complement each other, have allowed me to hit six figures and have given me the time, location and financial freedom to travel the world full-time. Combining these income streams helped me to hit consistent five-figure months, working an average of three days per week. 

Freelance writer. Business strategy coach. Full-time traveller.

Hi, I'm Georgie

So now I spend my days like this...

How many sales would it take to make back your investment?

$49 Template: 10 sales
$199 Consultation call: 3 sales
$997 Coaching support package: 1 sale (with lots of change!)

the roi is clear

I'm in!

Capu Cogne


Risha Bharathan




"I feel like I have a wingwoman and cheerleader in you as my coach. I'm so much more comfortable asking for more money, and feel much more in control of my business and my time. It boosts me in everything business-related that I do.

After one of my coaching calls, a friend said "you're glowing", because you help uplift me and get me out of some sometimes-not-so-productive self-talk and over-thinking."

Capu Cogne


Despite knowing so much about this world of marketing and gaining 4+ years of experience working with brands, I didn't know how to scale my business. Literally from the first day Georgie gave us so many resources to start rewiring our mindset!

She helped me clarify my offer, build my service deck, and fix the gaps in my existing strategy so I could stand out from the crowd. Integrity drives her every move! She will not tell you to “fake it till you make it.” Rather, she’ll work with you in identifying your exact qualities and then show you how to highlight them to attract more of your ideal clients your way.

Risha Bharathan

Diversify + Thrive will launch as a beta round in July 2024. As it's a beta round, the price is the lowest it'll ever be! I may not relaunch this course again as a live round until 2025. So, if you're looking to diversify and scale your income this year as a freelance creative, now is the best time to join. 

When will the next cohort begin? 

Diversify + Thrive is designed to fit around your lifestyle. I launched my coaching business while running a successful freelance writing business and travelling the world full-time. It's fluff-free and takes you through the most efficient journey, from not knowing how to offer coaching/consultancy services through to confidently pitching them to clients by the end. The calls take one hour per week and implementation takes no more than three-five per week.

I'm busy. How much time will this take? 

Diversify + Thrive includes a 45 or 90 day strategy framework, 6-12 weeks of video modules, 5-10 x group coaching calls, a private community with Monday - Friday support and feedback from me, and all of the resources/spreadsheets/scripts/trackers I've used to grow my own coaching business. Choose between the six week Core sprint (the first six modules) or the full Comprehensive growth package (10 modules).

What exactly do I get when I join?

Frequently Asked Questions

A little disclaimer:

I will never tell you that it's impossible to grow a successful business purely through implementation-based services. So, if you love writing/designing/creating and have no interest in developing consultation or coaching-based services, that's absolutely fine. Please don't feel like you NEED to do these things to succeed! Passive(ish) income isn’t for everyone and you should be rightly suspicious of anyone who insists it’s the only way forward.

But, if you have considered these things before, I'll tell you that, hand on heart, they've made my journey to six figures infinitely easier. The truth is that strategy-based services are much easier to scale and require a lot less time. So if that's something you're interested in, I'd love to guide you through the process. 

If you're on the fence, feel free to book a quick, free 15 min Zoom chat with me using the link below and I'll let you know whether you're a good fit. If you've worked with me before, you'll know that I'm always honest if I think there's another coach/course/process that would better suit your business goals, or if you’re not yet at the point where this course will be helpful :)

Book a quick chat